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Training takes place at the Meadowside Leisure Centre or Repton School Sports Centre.

Sessions range in length from one hour to one and a half hours and take place in the evening.

Burton Amateur Swimming Club Training Timetable 2019/2020:

Effective from 1st January 2020

Squad / Stage: 4, 5 & 6

Squad / Stage: 7

Squad / Stage: 8

Squad / Stage: 9 & 10

Squad / Stage: Seniors

Squad / Stage: Masters


For training you will definitely need the following items.  Please note that glass items must not be taken on poolside and plastic water bottles should be used at all times.

  • Swimming costume
  • Swimming hats
  • Goggles
  • Drinks Bottle
  • Towel
  • Bag

Sections 4,5 & 6 Training Equipment – Please bring a drink to every session.

Sections 7,8,9,10 Training Equipment – Please bring a drink, Kick Board, Pull Buoy and Flippers.

Senior Section – Please bring a drink, Kick Board, Pull Buoy, Flippers, Finger Paddles & Drag Shorts.

If you have any questions about the equipment required for your section then please speak to our Head Coaches Simon and Ian.

Many of the above items are available for purchase or order through the BASC swim club shop. Please speak to a member of the team at the administration desk for further information.