Swimmer of the Month

Swimmer of the Month

Find the latest and past swimmers of the month below.


[su_spoiler title=”February 2017″]

Swimmer of the Month - February 2017
Stage 7 & 8 Swimmer of the Month


[su_spoiler title=”January 2017″]

Rachel Greener - Stage 7 & 8
Rachel Greener – Stage 7 & 8
Senior Swimmer - George Greener
Senior Swimmer – George Greener


[su_spoiler title=”May 2016″]

Junior Pool - Kaliyah
Junior Pool – Kaliyah
Teaching Pool
Teaching Pool


[su_spoiler title=”April 2016″]

Seniors - Callum
Seniors – Callum

[su_spoiler title=”February 2016″]

Seniors - Charlotte Doughty
Seniors – Charlotte Doughty

