Register for a Trial


New Members Application Form – Join Us:

If you are interested in joining Burton Amateur Swimming Club please complete your details below and one of our head coaches will contact you, by email, to invite you for a trial.

Older swimmers, including Masters, are also very welcome and should also complete their details below and one of our head coaches will contact you, by email, to invite you for a trial.

After completing a trial you will be advised if we can offer you a place in the club.

We operate the trial process to ensure that swimmers joining our club are at the appropriate stage in their swimming development. If for any reason the coaches feel you are not quite ready to join the sessions, please don’t be disheartened, swimmers will be advised on what to work on in their swimming lessons and given an appropriate time frame for a retrial date if they would like to do so.


Our membership fee information can be found here

Training Times:

Our training time information can be found here.

Join our Facebook Page or Twitter Account.  We have found this is a quick and effective way of letting swimmers and Parents know of any changes to sessions and relevant information that you may need to know.

Thank you for choosing Burton Amateur Swimming Club

Enquiry Form 

Send Enquiry

Swimmer Details

Second Swimmer Details

Parent Details