Dont put a limit on anything. The more you dream the further you get. Michael Phelps.
Membership fees are calculated annually and split into 12 monthly payments due on the 1st of the month by standing order.
Please use the clubs account details, obtainable from the membership secretary, to pay by internet banking. If you don’t use internet banking please request our account details and take them into your bank and they will set up payment for you or you can find the downloadable standing order form available here, which also contains the internet banking details. Use your swimmers name as a reference so that we can recognise your payment on our bank statements.
Squad | Total payable Monthly Fee (inc ASA) |
Family (Family based on a 3 person family) | £96.00 |
Masters | £25.00 |
NTP10 | £39.00 |
NTP4 | £24.00 |
NTP5 | £24.00 |
NTP6 | £27.25 |
NTP7 | £35.00 |
NTP8 | £35.00 |
NTP9 | £39.00 |
Seniors | £46.75 |
6th Form Students | £26.25 |
University Students | £9.65 |
This fee registers you with the ASA and covers you on their insurance policy. ASA registration forms are obtainable from our documents and forms section on the website and must be returned completed to the membership secretary.
Category | Fee (Annual) |
1 | £20.00. (An initial payment of £20 will be made when joining the club and then ongoing monthly payments of £2 per month will be included and collected as part of your monthly fees.) |
2 | £35.00 |
3 | Active Members - £5; Non Active Members - £15.00 |
Category 1: For swimmers not taking part in any discipline in open competitions. This fee is an annual fee and is collected on a monthly basis as part of your monthly swimming fee once the initial £20 payment is made.
Category 2: For swimmers taking part in any discipline in open competitions. For those wishing to swim in open meets you will be asked early in the calendar year to pay the top up fee for category 2 level membership.
Category 3: For members of any age who are not categories 1 or 2 including but not limited to any persons who have voting rights in their club by virtue of being a parent of, or a person with parental responsibility for, a member in categories 1 or 2; administrators; associate members; coaches; helpers; honorary members; life members; officers; qualified officials of any discipline; patrons; teachers; temporary members; vice-presidents and verifiers or tutors of the association’s educational certificates but who actively support the club.
Members wishing to resign should do so by sending an email to the membership secretary. Confirmation of registration will be acknowledged. Training fees will continue to be due until confirmation of resignation is received.
On leaving the club a swimmer/parent is responsible for cancelling their swimming squad fee standing order by informing their bank either personally or by internet banking. Please note the club is not able to do this for you.