March Update 2016 – BurtonASC

BurtonASC March News Update 2016

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We have had an absolutely cracking start to 2016 and it’s hard to believe that we could better 2015. This weekend saw the final of the Winter League. Last year we made the final and finished a very admirable 5th. However this year, we had reached the final top of the league being level on league points with Melton Mowbray but ahead on gala points. We both had maximum league points as we had won both round 1 and round 2. Last night was the clash of the titans! We made the trip to Rugby pool for the final. The top three teams would be promoted to division 1. Steve has written a great report and it should soon be on the web but to cut a very exciting and thrilling story short, Burton not only got promoted to division 1 but also came first in the gala thus winning the league by a WHOPPING 50 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done all of our swimmers who took part. they really did make it look easy. Thank you to a fine coaching team who have revised and refined training programmes to ensure the best use of our 4 and a bit hours pool time. Thank you parents who most like myself cheered EVERY swimmer and must have very sore throats this morning and most of all our very talented swimmers who swam their socks off last night. The look of excitement on their faces when they realised quite early on was simply brilliant!

Please could all swimmers who have swum in the Winter league this year please come for a photo and team pic on Wednesday at 8pm. Report hopefully going in the mail. Those at the Oadby gala in Jan and Burton in Feb please as without you we wouldn’t have made the final!!!

Well done also to our Masters swimmers who swam at the county championship this weekend. Pete Stevens, Ian Gates, Martin Brown and Simon Ward. I believe we have another county Champ and all came back with medals! Well done!!!!


Not only have we been swimming but thank you for all the folks involved in fundraising these past few weeks. our first venture was a first bag packing trip of the year to Morrisons. Swimmers on tills were fab, great comments about being helpful, polite and a credit to the club. We raised £859 in 6 hours! Amazing result and hopefully another session organised near to Christmas.

Cake sale for Sports Relief raised a mighty £150 so thank you all for your baking and buying. They were delicious!

Lottery – Craig still has spare numbers for the Lottery. £12 a year and half goes to the club.


It is great to see new faces at the club and we would like to welcome all new families who have recently joined us. We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping out at the club in whatever capacity please come and see us. We are always looking for timekeepers and judges, full traing will be given so no experience necessary. You can become a qualified Judge and Timekeeper. We always need poolside help and would love to see new faces on the committee. If you would like to become more involved please come and have a chat.


The pool is booked th entry forms have been given out. The big question is HAVE YOU RETURNED IT????? The Duel is when we split the club in two. Blue fins v Blue rays. Every one is welcome to enter and a fun night is had by all. Any questions please come and see us.


We are closed Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Swimming will resume as normal on Wednesday 30th March.


If you have been asked to swim in the diddy league please reply asap as we need to ask other swimmers. Sadly, it is in the Easter hols and we know lots of swimmers away. Therefore we need relies as soon as so Steve can organise the best squad for the night. Tough competition but I’m sure knowing the Burton spirit all will enjoy it!

Think that’s all, oh one last thing GO BURTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIVISION 2 WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!