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Novel Coronavirus

(COVID-19) BASC FAQ’s…..

Stay in the know with the latest information……. (updated regularly)

A: Katie Stanley is the Covid-19 lead for BASC and all Covid-19 related questions should be directed to Katie in the first instance.
A: The cleaning schedule is something we will raise with Everyone Active to ensure this is highest priority. Currently 3 cleaning regimes to clean high contact points in order to control any potential infection plus hand sanitiser stations through the centre. Also adequate time between sessions to clean as required . Plus an end of session sanitation fogging to thoroughly clean the area.
A: The cleaning schedule is something we will raise with Everyone Active to ensure this is highest priority. Currently 3 cleaning regimes to clean high contact points in order to control any potential infection plus hand sanitiser stations through the centre. Also adequate time between sessions to clean as required . Plus an end of session sanitation fogging to thoroughly clean the area.
A: The risk assessment covers all safety controls in detail including distancing, arrival and departure procedures and hygiene measure. This will be available for all to read and will be in conjunction with Everyone Active's Risk Assessment.
A: All members will be required to follow distancing measures both in and out of the pool. These will be clearly communicated to staff and covid liaison officers will be in attendance at every session.
A: A comprehensive risk assessment has been written to ensure all guidelines are strictly followed. We will contact Everyone Active to ensure we adhere to their RA too. All measures have been put in place and a covid liaison officer will be at each session to ensure these are followed.
A: All members will be required to follow distancing measures both in and out of the pool. These will be clearly communicated to staff and covid liaison officers will be in attendance at every session.
A: All members will be required to follow distancing measures both in and out of the pool. These will be clearly communicated to staff and covid liaison officers will be in attendance at every session. A comprehensive risk assessment ensures all guidelines are being followed.
A: All guidelines will be carefully followed. A covid-liaison officer will be on site at each session. A comprehensive risk assessment has been written. Cleaning routines will be discussed with Everyone Active.
A: All members will be required to follow distancing measures both in and out of the pool. These will be clearly communicated to staff and covid liaison officers will be in attendance at every session.
A: A comprehensive risk assessment has been written to ensure all guidelines are followed. We will also follow Everyone Active's guidelines. A covid liaison officer will be at each session to ensure distancing measure and all guidelines are followed
A: We will send all risk assessments to all and also a comprehensive swimmer's guide.
A: We have a comprehensive risk assessment where we follow all government guidelines. We will ensure all distances are observed. We ask if you have any concerns to let us know.
A: We will share risk assessments with Everyone Active and ensure we all follow guidelines. Everyone Active have taken clear measures to ensure safety is the priority for all.
A: Risk assessments will be sent which detail all measures. A covid liaison officer will be at each session to ensure guidelines are followed.
A: Our risk assessment ensures all guidelines are followed.
A: This is something we will raise with everyone active. Cleaning is on their agenda and has increased. Details on risk assessment. Age of the child will determine whether a parent can enter the changing rooms with a child at Meadowside (not at Repton). Only 1 adult will be allowed to accompany. The changing rooms will only be entered after a swim as children should arrive swim ready. Currently 3 cleaning regimes to clean high contact points in order to control any potential infection plus hand sanitiser stations through the centre. Also adequate time between sessions to clean as required . Plus an end of session sanitation fogging to thoroughly clean the area. Allocated areas for teaching pool only will be allowed and will be limited to 10 parents only with only 1 parent per child allowed. specific chaing room just for teaching pool swimmers allocated
A: All guidelines will be followed. Coaches are aware that fitness levels may have dropped and will amend training sessions accordingly.
A: We would follow health guidelines for symtoms which is a 'new' continuous cough. If this was the case then we would ask a test to be taken.
A: Health experts indicate that chlorinated water kills COVID19 instantly and Meadowside is a chlorinated pool. We will raise this question with Everyone active. Pool water is currently set to 1.5mg / litre with a PH range of 7.2-7.4 and tested by PWTAG that it kills all known bacteria's in the pool when operating at this level. Also has a UV chlorination system supporting this. Tests are done every 2 hours in the pool and plant room twice per day.
A: This is something we will raise with Everyone Active. This is regularly cleaned and is part of a daily routine. Changing areas will be cleaned between swimming groups.
A: We will follow the guidelines of Everyone Active and ensure they meet the government guidelines. Parents will need to observe the distancing measures set out by Everyone Active at the Meadowside when spectating. This will be restricted in number and only 1 parent to enter pool side if child is young. No parents poolside at Repton. Currently 3 cleaning regimes to clean high contact points in order to control any potential infection plus hand sanitiser stations through the centre. Also adequate time between sessions to clean as required . Plus an end of session sanitation fogging to thoroughly clean the area. allocated areas for teaching pool only will be allowed and will be limited to 10 parents only with only 1 parent per child allowed Specific changing room just for teaching pool swimmers allocated
A: No so much the club, I think it is just how the process/children adhere to the “new rules”.
A: A comprehensive risk assessment addresses all guidelines. It meets all guidelines. A covid liaison officer will be present at each session to ensure guidelines are followed. Distancing will be followed in line with guidelines.
A: We will raise this with Everyone Active. Hygiene detailed in risk assessments for Everyone Active. There will not be a mix of club and public swimming. Currently 3 cleaning regimes to clean high contact points in order to control any potential infection plus hand sanitiser stations through the centre. Also adequate time between sessions to clean as required . Plus an end of session sanitation fogging to thoroughly clean the area. Pool will not be shared with he public and a 30 minute separation between public and planned sessions
A: Full risk assessments and guidelines will be sent prior to sessions starting so you will know how everything will work. We will follow government guidelines and have a covid liaison officer present to ensure these are followed at each session.
A: We will follow Everyone Active's guidelines for numbers etc and detail it in our risk assessment. Numbers will be limited and at a distance. Only 1 parent per child allowed in the pool and will depend on age of the child. There will be 10 allocated places for teaching pool swimmers only with 1 parent per swimmer allowed only.
A: This is something we will raise with Everyone Active. This is part of Everyone Active's measures for a return to opening. They follow strict hygeine measures. Currently 3 cleaning regimes to clean high contact points in order to control any potential infection plus hand sanitiser stations through the centre. Also adequate time between sessions to clean as required . Plus an end of session sanitation fogging to thoroughly clean the area.
A: We will follow Everyone Active's guidelines for numbers etc and detail it in our risk assessment. Numbers will be limited and at a distance. Only 1 parent per child allowed in the pool and will depend on age of the child. There will be 10 allocated placed for teaching pool swimmers only with 1 parent per swimmer allowed only.
A: A comprehensive risk assessment has been written to ensure all guidelines are followed. We will also follow Everyone Active's guidelines. A covid liaison officer will be at each session to ensure distancing measure and all guidelines are followed
A: A comprehensive risk assessment has been written to ensure all guidelines are followed. We will also follow Everyone Active's guidelines. A covid liaison officer will be at each session to ensure distancing measure and all guidelines are followed. Swimmers will need to arrive pool ready and go straight to poolside. Once finished swimming they follow the one way system and quickly get changed at a distance from anyone else and leave the area.
Health experts state that chlorinated water kills covid19 and Meadowside is a chlorinated pool. We will be raising the question with Everyone active . We will be following the guidance of the Government , Swim England , everyone active and our own knowledge. The distancing between people will be the most up to date along with the amount of persons allowed per lane. There will be no compromise in this matter There is a Health survey , Guidance and detailed risk assessments for all to read and sign before return to the pool. Therefore any measures for contact with a potential covid 19 must be followed. These are detailed by the government and in the above documents.